seed Gravity Separator is used to separate seed and grain with same size but difference in specific weight.
The 5XZ-5B Small Seed Gravity Separator is suction type gravity separator.
seed Gravity Separator is the most popular model in China, widely used in seed and grain industry, with best performance for wheat, maize, corn and other proved by users.
5XZ-5B Small Seed Gravity Separator can efficiently remove immature seed, insect damaged seed, sick seeds, etc.
Working Principle
By air aspiration and sieve shaking, seed is fluidized and into two layers.
Heavy seed sink into the sieve bottom layer, while light seed (bad seed) suspend to the top layer.
Good seed and mixed seed in Bottom layer fall through the sieve and discharge from different outlets, and mixed seeds will return back by reflow vibrate feeding gear and do one more time separation.
At the same time bad seed which in top layer will discharged directly.